2020-05-13 10:36:35

May 12 2004 I decided to reveal my bold patch! Thanks Dave Harper Attica tornadoes 12 May 2004!What a day where even the cows ran after the tornadoes filmed No comment about my hair thanks Full credit of pictures are Dave Croan - he was my chase partner for 6 weeks- this was the monkey off the back in a year we saw 20 tornadoes in 3 weeks http://australiasevereweather.com/storm_news/2004/docs/200405-04.htm

5 thought on “May 12 2004 I decided to reveal my bold patch! Thanks Dave Harper Attica tornadoes 12 May 2004!What a day where even the cows ran after the tornadoes…”
  1. Tim Marshall, what did Gene David Rhoden say at the time about convective rolls aiding the development of tornadoes on this event and the direction of movement of some of those tornadoes sling-shotting east to north and then roping?

  2. LOL. At my age, I can only remember that Gene Rhoden was with me. I’m not able to remember what he said until I find and transcribe my tape recording.

  3. Was this the Attica tornado that flipped a house upside down (basically in one piece). Missed the house-flipper by 5 minutes. But seeing the result still left a lasting impression.

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