2020-05-30 10:08:13

As others have already posted White Deer was the forefront of chasing for Dave Croan and I in Tornado Alley - a solid violent tornado.

White Deer tornado in May 29 2001 Dave Croan and I doing the hard yards - first time in the US. Library for internet access GFS - AVN model, wrong side of the road, cable through the rental car connected to the

NOAA radio and of course trying to keep the paper map books dry from RFD winds! Oh and the confusion of international time conpared to Australia and UTC time on the models!

We had gone to Tim Marshall’s place for the first time and he said “Tuesday is a tornado day!” Yep White Deer! What an afternoon 4 to 5 tornadoes!

I recall meeting some chasers although we were unknowns showing off their White Deer footage. That’s when it hit home of what had been accomplished. Rated F3 because it… More

8 thought on “As others have already posted White Deer was the forefront of chasing for Dave Croan and I in Tornado Alley – a solid violent tornado. White Deer tor…”
  1. Missed this one, due to a GPS failure. I was very upset with myself for only packing 20 batteries when I needed 30. Yes, really.

    We started the day north of the area and discovered our only way to the right side of the storm was through a labyrinth of country roads. There were only one or two ways to get to the south side of the storm. Midway through our traversal of the labyrinth the last GPS batteries died.

    Later, we counted ourselves fortunate that we didn’t get trapped by the storm out in a hopeless maze roads. We ended up doing a right hand walk out of the maze until we stumbled on an agricultural research station. We got directions to the main road from there, but by the time we reached our target, the show was over.

    #LimitsOfTechnology #NoInternetInTheField

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