International weather: Uruguay Tornado, 6th December 2012

Have come across this footage from Dolores, Soriano, Uruguay (~ 150km north of Buenos Aires) from 6 December 2012.

Tornado, Dolores, Soriano, Uruguay clip 1  (very cool multiple vortices at ~ 40 secs on)

Tornado, Dolores,  Uruguay, clip 2 (very strong low level circulation, close to ground meso and incredible clean classic supercell structure)

Interestingly, there's also footage of a funnel cloud / possible tornado from Buenos Aires so there may have been an outbreak:

Funnel cloud Buenos Aires 6/12/12

By David C

2 thought on “International weather: Uruguay Tornado, 6th December 2012”
  1. This is not rotation – how about violent rotation! As Jeff Brislane suggested last night – you have to slow it down – not speed it up! And yet another overseas tornado captured on video.

  2. This is not rotation – how about violent rotation! As Jeff Brislane suggested last night – you have to slow it down – not speed it up! And yet another overseas tornado captured on video.

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