2016-08-05 18:39:56

Tgis was a huge event in the start of the previous wet La Nina wet years

On this day 30 years ago, has it really been 30 years....Sydney was being drenched by record rainfall with 250 - 300mm across most suburbs and 318mm in the city from memory 24hrs up to the 6th August. People were cut off and train delays were typically 4 to 5 hours. People slept in houses accommodated by people since they could not cross flood water completely cut off St Mary's and Mt Druitt. I could not believe how rain could consistently fall for such long periods often heavy including through the night. I was so excited I went downstairs to check and simply to experience such an event I had never witnessed! Incredible event.


12 thought on “Tgis was a huge event in the start of the previous wet La Nina wet years On this day 30 years ago, has it really been 30 years….Sydney was being dr…”
  1. I was 18 (HSC year ) and my lift was late because Toongabbie Creek (a problem flooding area at that time) just blocked his roads – took near an hour for him to get to Marayong school! My brother was at University of Technology usually arrived at 6:30pm – on this 10:30 – 11pm ish because of the trains being 4 hours late. Remember no mobile phones back then!!!

  2. Yes Paul definitely from memory though Sydney through shear coincidence was the worst hit region. Don White may wish to confirm these figures! My memory is not always thst reliable in my senile old age!

  3. 327.6 mm in Sydney – the wettest day ever. The City fall was the top in the state – hardly rained at all north of Norah Head and the massive August flooding in the Wollongong area occurred 12 years later with over 400 mm in 24 hrs

  4. I remember this event well as I kept on having to empty the rain gauge multiple times and the lawn was like a lake. I also never forget seeing the Nepean River in flood. I would have the rainfall figures for Blaxland as I used to keep a regular record, however they would be somewhere at my parents place.

  5. I remember is clearly. I skipped school and went to work with my mum who worked at Seven Hills (I convinced her to let me skip school cause it was such an incredible event, we knew that at the time). We caught a train from Penrith and ill never forget it slowing down to cross the floodplain between Werrington and St Marys and because it was a red rattler I was staring right at the door with it open and the water in the floodplain was only just lower than the bridge trusses and it was churning!

  6. I’ll never forget it Jimmy. It was so much fun getting off the bus coming home from work and walking home in knee deep water……hahahaha

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