Heavy Rainfall Sydney 22nd April 2015 3
17 thought on “Heavy Rainfall Sydney 22nd April 2015”
  1. Yes ! Extraordinary rain event. Took some shots of Hunts Creek Falls in North Rocks this morning. Heaviest flow I’ve ever seen.

  2. Yes ! Extraordinary rain event. Took some shots of Hunts Creek Falls in North Rocks this morning. Heaviest flow I’ve ever seen.

  3. Can someone tell me why there wasnt a blanket warning of a significant weather event approaching Sydney, when they predicted almost to the minute when the event would peak, but couldnt realise the actual events strength, and warn the public..This event has now been ''classified'' as a class 2 Cyclone, it latest for almost 2 days, and was on a front almost 130klms long..why werent we warned, and who was responsible..?..5 people have died, billions worth of damage, and no warnings…its a disgrace..and totally criminal..

  4. Can someone tell me why there wasnt a blanket warning of a significant weather event approaching Sydney, when they predicted almost to the minute when the event would peak, but couldnt realise the actual events strength?, and warn the public?..This event has now been ''classified'' as a class 2 Cyclone, it lasted for almost 2 days, and was on a front almost 130klms long..why werent we warned, and who was responsible..?..5 people have died, billions worth of damage, and no warnings…its a disgrace..and totally criminal..?

  5. Can someone tell me why there wasnt a blanket warning of a significant weather event approaching Sydney, when they predicted almost to the minute when the event would peak, but couldnt realise the actual events strength?, and warn the public?..This event has now been ''classified'' as a class 2 Cyclone, it lasted for almost 2 days, and was on a front almost 130klms long..why werent we warned, and who was responsible..?..5 people have died, billions worth of damage, and no warnings…its a disgrace..and totally criminal..?

  6. Pete. Interesting point you raise! In defense of the Bureau of Meteorology, they did predict an East Coast Low and put warnings of powerful winds including gale warnings. I do admit people may not know what an East Coast Low is and its rapid intensification can have disastrous consequences. However, we are now finding that people even with all the technology and media available to them including internet at their finger tips are somehow missing the warnings. Is it a generational change? Is their too much information to sift through? Should is be mandatory to have warnings crawling on all forms of media in the affected regions? Do we require to get back to basics to make sure people do take head of the warnings. As you can see on this website, we did make the predictions as well. Please understand though there is an element of complexity with this type of an east coast low with intense low centres migrating near the coastline within the broad circulation. I hope this explanation helps. I did have a discussion with a friend of mine that wanted to know WHAT do we call this type of storm. When I suggested East Coast Low – it did not sound menacing or serious. What should we call this to highlight the danger? Food for though and discussion!

  7. Pete Melov . Interesting point you raise! In defense of the Bureau of Meteorology, they did predict an East Coast Low and put warnings of powerful winds including gale warnings. I do admit people may not know what an East Coast Low is and its rapid intensification can have disastrous consequences. However, we are now finding that people even with all the technology and media available to them including internet at their finger tips are somehow missing the warnings. Is it a generational change? Is their too much information to sift through? Should is be mandatory to have warnings crawling on all forms of media in the affected regions? Do we require to get back to basics to make sure people do take head of the warnings. As you can see on this website, we did make the predictions as well. Please understand though there is an element of complexity with this type of an east coast low with intense low centres migrating near the coastline within the broad circulation. I hope this explanation helps. I did have a discussion with a friend of mine that wanted to know WHAT do we call this type of storm. When I suggested East Coast Low – it did not sound menacing or serious. What should we call this to highlight the danger? Food for though and discussion!

  8. Pete Melov . Interesting point you raise! In defense of the Bureau of Meteorology, they did predict an East Coast Low and put warnings of powerful winds including gale warnings. I do admit people may not know what an East Coast Low is and its rapid intensification can have disastrous consequences. However, we are now finding that people even with all the technology and media available to them including internet at their finger tips are somehow missing the warnings. Is it a generational change? Is their too much information to sift through? Should is be mandatory to have warnings crawling on all forms of media in the affected regions? Do we require to get back to basics to make sure people do take head of the warnings. As you can see on this website, we did make the predictions as well. Please understand though there is an element of complexity with this type of an east coast low with intense low centres migrating near the coastline within the broad circulation. I hope this explanation helps. I did have a discussion with a friend of mine that wanted to know WHAT do we call this type of storm. When I suggested East Coast Low – it did not sound menacing or serious. What should we call this to highlight the danger? Food for though and discussion!

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