Tuesday 30th December could not have turned out much better than it did. A classic supercell evolved between Casino and Lismore before tracking over the eastern parts of Lismore, my place at McLeans Ridges then off the coast north of Byron Bay. The structure was incredible. CAPE was calculated at 4000 from the Casino obs of 35/21 at 3pm. No wonder updrafts were like a nuclear bomb in appearance. Some very large hail to 7cm diameter fell at Lismore Heights and Goonellabah with stones to about 4cm at my place. The thing that struck me the most watching the storm develop from the first congestus of the day to a massive supercell was the very obvious base rotation - certainly have not seen anything as quick as that around here. Not surprisingly, while on chase we saw two very well defined mid-level funnels and another person photographed one under the meso.
By Michael Bath
http://www.facebook.com/michaeljohnbath http://www.lightningphotography.com/ http://australiasevereweather.com/ http://www.extremestorms.com.au/ http://www.ewn.com.au/