The heatwave that commenced on the 27 November 2020 has continued into Saturday 28 November 2020. There has been a wide variation of temperatures including erratic temperature swings, especially in areas close to the cool change and the presence of dry thunderstorms.

Much of Southern Victoria has missed this event as cooler southerly and south westerly winds prevail but areas along the Murray River, it has been hot.

Mildura has topped 45.3C followed by Swan Hill for Saturday 28 November 2020. Further south east and closer to the cool change, dry thunderstorms have occurred and there have been erratic temperature swings. At Albury Airport at 12.30 pm, the temperature was on 38.9C however a dry thunderstorm passed over this area dropping the temperature to 34.3C by 1 pm. Following this event, the temperature rose sharply to 41.1C by 1.29 pm although following the passage of the cool change, the temperature had fallen to 33.4C by 4 pm. With the passage of the cool change, an uncomfortably warm night has been avoided for this area.
However at Wagga Wagga 130 km to the north, there have been sudden and erratic temperature swings caused by dry thunderstorms passing over the city. The maximum temperature at 1 pm was 38.8C but by 1.27 pm, it fell to 30.7C. At 2 pm, it was back up to 37.7C but by 3.37pm due to another storm, the temperature had plummeted back to 22.8C. At 3.48 pm, the temperature had increased back to 29C. The presence of the storms is having a major effect on the weather for this area and there has been 4.8 mm of rain. Furthermore, there have been wind gusts of over 80 km/h from the storms with one gust peaking at 87 km/h at 3.41 pm.
Temperatures have reached 45C at Fowlers Gap, 44.9C at Wilcania and 44.5C at Ivanhoe, all in western New South Wales.
Even in Moruya (NSW South coast), it reached 40.3C at 2 pm prior to a weak cool change moving through that part of the state.
Erratic temperature swings have occurred over Canberra with a peak temperature of 34C at 1.04 and a storm dropping this to 21.8C at 3.54 pm.
Further north, there have been no storm activity within the Sydney region and maximum temperatures have reached or exceeded 40C over much of the city with 40.8C at Observatory Hill Hill and 40.7C at Penrith and other areas reaching or exceeding 41C. This is expected to make way for an uncomfortable warm night for the city.