


As identified in two recent posts, a tropical disturbance rapidly intensified into a tropical storm which was named Bill. The storm event came ashore as forecast over the coast of Texas which is now tracking across the Ohio Valley.

As the storm passed over Texas and Oklahoma states, some heavy rainfall and thunderstorm activity occurred. The three plots generated on the National Weather Service site identifies in great detail the worst affected regions:-

Plot 1 is showing the 7 day rainfall for the period ending 18 June 2015.
Plot 2 is showing the 4 day rainfall for the period ending 18 June 2015.
Plot 3 is showing a daily rainfall for the 18 June.

This storm has produced exceptionally heavy rainfall for the 17 June as follows:-

Alice - Texas - 8.58 inches (Amounts to 218 mm).
Newport - Oklahoma - 8.29 inches (Amounts to 210.5 mm).
Montague - Texas - 8.11 inches (Amounts to 206 mm).
Alvard - Texas - 6.62 inches (Amounts to 168 mm).
Ardmore - Oklahoma - 6.45 inches (Amounts to 164 mm).
Bowie - Texas - 5.96 inches (Amounts to 151 mm).

(Source Accuweather 17/6/15).

More rain has fallen since.

The Ardmore weather station has been reviewed and it is noted that on the 17/6/2015 some 5 inches or 125 mm of rain fell between 3.10 pm and 4.50 pm (100 minutes) which is effectively slightly more than 1 mm per minute for 100 minutes for that period.

The rainfall plots are showing very heavy rain north east of Galveston and north of Dallas but south of Oklahoma City centred on Ardmore and surrounding regions.

There are three regions that have received cumulative totals of 10 to 15 inches (250 mm to 380 mm) as shown on Plot Number 1 (7 day cumulative rainfall totals).

It is also identified that major river flooding is occurring along the Red River at Gainsville where the maximum forecast crest is suggested at being 41 feet (12.3 metres) which would make it the highest river flood crest since 31 May 1987 (Source NWS 18 June 2015).

A review of local weather stations identifies that the rain and storms has passed but has left flooding in its wake for local communities.

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